Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Flowers: Alusiman or Portulaca Amilis (Oleracea?)

This weed is also known as pigweed, pusley, Verdolaga,purslane, hogswed and has the unusual property of having the highest Omega 3 fatty acid among land based vegetables.
I still have to photograph the seed pods.

See also StuartXchange: ulasimang-aso (water hyssop)

Flower Portulaca Amilis(Oleracea?)
Local namesalusiman
Location Philcoa
References http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portulaca_oleracea
Camera Olympus VG-110
Photographer Dr. Ernesto Adorio
AcknowledgmentsElla Bernales Jacido,Telesforo Robles (plant identification)

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