
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Plant: Thunbergia Erecta, King's mantle, bush clockvine

The plant shown in this photo was formerly identified as strobilanthes dyerianus, Burmese conehead, Persian Shield. We have corrected this entry to Thunbergia Erecta, since the leaves matches those in our reference photo.

The first time I saw the flower I thought it was a morning glory. but the petal look thin and it has no dividing ray lines in the petals. I posted the photo in our Facebook Handbook of Philippine Plants and Flowers and it was first identified as a Burmese conehead also commonly known as Persian Shield. But checking my the Southern Living Book Garden Book reference, I saw the leaves and there was a stronger match with the one in our photo. This plant is native to Africa.

Here is the corrected entry.

PlantLamiales/Acanthaceae/Thunbergia Erecta
Commmon NameKing's mantle, bush clockvine
LocationParadise Ranch, Pampanga
CameraSamsung WB150F
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio
ReferenceSouthern Living Garden Book, p.54 (photo),p. 570 (description)

  • Sep. 10, 2012 - change the ID to thunbergia erecta.

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