
Sunday, September 9, 2012

A common medicinal plant: Turnera Ulmifolia , yellow alder

Finally the identity of a common yellow flower, considered weedy by some people, which escaped this author for a long time is now uncovered. The botanical name is Turnera Ulmifolia. All along I thought it was a Philippine native but it is actually a a native of Mexico and the West Indies!

I find it more than once, growing together with vincas or madagascar periwinkle and it has powerful medicinal properties. Perhaps gardeners find thru experience that vincas and yellow alders are naturally complementary? See the Wikipedia reference. Strangely this plant is not in the list by Dr. Stuart in his stuartxchange online handbook of Philippine medicinal plants.

PlantTurnera Ulmifolia
Common nameYellow Buttercups, Sage rose, Yellow Alder
LocationUP Clarkfield
CameraSamsung WB150F
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thank you for identifying this flower. I see this flower everyday where I live but cannot name it. :)
