
Monday, July 30, 2012

Pisonia; umbellifera variegata, digkit

People find the variegated white-green leaves of this plant attractive! Here is a clear and vibrant photo from our Australian based friend Susan. The plant is a member of the four-oclock family(!)

FlowerPisonia umbellifera variegata
Common namepisonia, digkit
PhotographerSusan Entrope Dicker(first), Dr. Ernesto P. Adorio (second photo)
ReferenceWikipedia, Stuart Xchange

First photo owned by, and is courtesy of, Susan Estrope Dicker. Published with permission.


  • August 6, 2012: removed the second photo. It is I think a swedish ivy.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Flower; torenia fournieri wishbone , beautiful eyes

This is a stunning flower, locally named beautiful eyes.I saw it first in Guintubdan Lacarlota near the Bago City border. The plant is known commonly as wishbone flower, pig's ears, blue wings(if colored blue), and even as beautiful eyes in Negros Island. It is a native of Indochina. It belongs to the same plant family as the figwort, foxgloves and snapdragons.

Lamiales/Linderniaceae/Torenia fournieri

I was lucky to visit the site and saw it listed there.

Here is a newer photo taken at QC Memorial Circle with the Fujifilm HS25EXR camera.

FlowerLamiales/Linderniaceae/Torenia fournieri
Common namepig's ears, beautiful eyes, wishbone
PhotographerDr. Ernesto Adorio
AcknowledgementElla Bernales Jacildo, Al Claud(beatiful eyes)

Flowers: Agastache rupestre

My facebook friend Susan, who is based in Australia, shared this stunning vivid photo of a Rupestre, a favorite of birds since it is full of honey!

Here we can see its leaves.

Yet I think I have this flower in one of my albums. I will add it here when I find it.

PlantAgastache Repestris
Common namenone
PhotographerSusan Estrope Dicker

Photo published with permission from Susan Estrope Dicker.

Flowers: spider flower, Cleome hassleriana.

Here is a nice photo of a spider flower (not a spider lily) growing somewhere in the garden of a Facebook friend in the USA.

FlowerCleome hassleriana.
Common nameSpider flower
CameraCanon Power Shot SD1300 IS
PhotographerDinah Canada

Photo owned by Dinah Canada. Published with permission.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Flowers: Cosmos sulphureus Cav., cosmos

PlantCosmos sulphureus Cav.
Common namecosmos
CameraOlypus VG-110
PhotographerDr. Ernesto Adorio
ReferenceStuart Xchange, Wikipedia
AcknowledgmentElla Bernales Jacildo(Identification)

Plants: heliconia latispatha, lobster claws

Plantheliconia latispatha
Common namelobster claws
CameraOlympus VG-110
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio
AlbumFacebook(EP Adorio)

Dracaena Surculusa, dracaena surculosa, gold dust dracaena, spotted dracaena

I often see this plant but never got to know the name. It is easy to think that the plant is "sick" or "diseased" because of the spots. But those spots differentiate suculosa from other dracaenas, the stems even look like those of bamboos!

The plant is not supposed to be placed in bright places but in shady places.

Here is a photo of the spotted dracaena which look ghostly due to the shade.

PlantDracaena Surculosa
Commmon Namesgold dust dracaena, spotted dracaena, kurokawayan
Location Philcoa, Bliss
CameraNikon D5100
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio
AcknowledgmentsDinah Canada with Susan Estrope Dicker (description),Al Claud(local name)

Have to add more photos!

Plant: Platycerium bifurcatum, staghorn fern

PlantPlatycerium bifurcatum
Common namesStaghorn fern
PhotographerSusan Entrope Dicker
AcknowledgmentSusan Entrope Dicker(Photo)

Photograph courtesy of Susam Dicker, posted with permission.

Plant: Asplenium Nidus, bird's-nest fern

This is a favorite among Filipino gardeners!

Here is a photo of the back of a bird's nest fern.

Plant Asplenium Nidus
Common namebird's nest fern
CameraOlympus VG-110
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio
AcknowledgmentDr. Romana de los Reyes(Identification)
ReferenceStuart Xchange, Wikipedia

Second photo is owned by and is courtesy of Susan Estrope Dicker. Published with permission.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A stunning beautiful blue flower spike.

Here is a stunning flower spike, unfortunately shot on an overcast sky, It is currently identified by a FB friend, Dr. Romana de los Reyes, as Dichorisandra thyrsiflora, a native of Brazil. It is also know as Blue Ginger.
I have learned something here! Shoot more than one photo, include the whole plant as much as possible and do not hesitate to use electronic flash!

Camera used was my trusted mini compact camera Olympus VG-110. The plant was shot in Guintubdan, Lacarlota near the Bago boundary.

Plants: Kalanchoe

Strange! I cannot view the photos hosted at Facebook from blogger. Anyone knows of a fix?

I am posting a new album instead taken last September 9, 2013 at the QC Memorial Center. These succulent flowering plants are unusual, they can be propagated by cutting off and planting a part of a leaf. In fact, new plants are sprouting from the fat leaves.

PlantKalanchoe blessfeldiana
Common namekalancho
LocationQC Memorial Circle
CameraFujfilm Finepix HS25EXR
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio
Referencestuart xChange, Wikipedia
AcknowledgmentElla Bernales Jacildo(initial identification), Romana de los Reyes(verification)

Flower: Justicia brandegeeana, shrimp plant

FlowerJusticia brandegeeana
Common nameshrimp plant, kalyakay
CameraMost probably an Olympus VG-110
LocationRafael Salas Nature Reserve, Bago
PhotographerDr. Ernesto Adorio
AttributionAl Claud(local name),Dr. Romana de los Reyes (verification)
Reference Wikipedia


Flowers salvia splendens

These salvias were photographed in Rafael Salas Nature Reserve in Bago and in Guintubdan, near the Bago-La Carlota boundary.

FlowerSalvia Splendens
Common NameScarlet sage
LocationGuintubdan, Bago-La Carlota boundary
PhotographerDr. Ernesto Adorio
AttributionsSusan Entrope Dicker, Vengie Lansang(general salvia name)
ReferencesStuart xChange

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Flowers: crossandra infundibuliformi, firecracker plant and Pachystachys spicata cardinal's guard plant

We are revising our naming of the plants pictured here. The flowers in the following two photos flowers are now classified as Pachystachys spicata Cardinal's guard.

And here is a yellow one, identified by my Facebook friend, Dr. Romana de los Reyes.
as a yellow crossandra infundibuliformi firecracker plant.

This has to be differentiated from this other "firecracker plant" displayed in guide to houseplants which are Russelias.

Plantcrossandra infundibuliformis,pachystachis spicata
Common nameFirecracker(crossandra) plant, Cardinal's guard(pachytachys)
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio
AlbumFacebook(EP Adorio)
AcknowledgmentDr. Romana de los Reyes (identification)


  • August 13, renamed the top two photos to pachystachis Spicata (common name: cardinal's guard)

Plants: Calliandra surinamense|haematocephala, powder puff tree

I first saw the flowering shrub at Clarkfield but Facebook probably erased the old photos! So this moring I took photos of calliandras at QC Memorial Circle and was fortunate to find a white one! Here are the red-white ones.

And here is a pure white one!

The most common (my observation) are the pure red ones.

There is a smaller variety of calliandra I have seen. It has the botanical name "Calliandra emarginata".

Plantcalliandra surinamense and Calliandra haematocephala
Common Namepowderpuff tree
LocationQC Memorial Cirle
CameraSamsung WB
DateDecember 15, 2012
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio
AlbumFacebook 1(EP Adorio),
Facebook 2(EP Adorio


Ded. 15, 2012: I see that the original album still exists! facebook probably change the links.

May 28, 2013: I suspect now that the first photo of a calliandra surrinamense.

Flowers: Polianthes tuberosa, azucena

This aromatic flower is used in perfumery!

PlantPolianthes tuberosa
Common nameAzucena
LocationUP Diliman Campus
CameraOlympus VG-100
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio
AcknowledgmentAl Claud(common name)
ReferencesStuart Xchange, Wikipedia
AlbumsFacebook(EP Adorio)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Flowers: Impatiens wallerana, Sultana, Touch-me-not

Impatiens actually come in various colors but we only have currently photos for this pinkish red color. These were shot in Bocal-bocal hot springs, Bgy. Alangilan, Bacolod City.

This one I think came from Rafael M. Salas Nature Reserve.

We will look for more magnificent examples, more colors!

FlowerImpatiens wallerana
Common namesSultana, touch-me-not
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio
AttributionElla Bernales Jacildo(identification)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Plants: sensevierias, snake plants, mother-in-law tounge,

Among the plants named sensevierias are mother-in-law toungue,devil's tongue,snake plant and snake tongue. We think that the species name of the plant shown here is Sansevieria hyacinthoides.

PlantSansevierias hyacinthoides
Common Names Snake plant, mother-in-law-tounge
CameraOlympus VG-110
PhotographerErnesto P. Adorio
AlbumFacebook(EP Adorio)

Tree: sterculia foetida, calumpang , indian almond, skunk tree

You will know that the weather is getting hot if you can smell its aroma. Kapampangans call it the Ebak Tree. Yet, the roasted seeds are edible!

Here is a photo of the calumpang tree growing at UP Clarkfield campus in Pampanga.

Calumpang, Indian Almond, Skunk Tree, Ebak tree
TreeSterculia foetida
Common Names
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Calladium bicolor: angel wings

Most people plant these to enjoy the striking and colorful patterns in the leaves.
Facebook prevents me from displaying my own hosted photos. I went out today September 6, 2013 to shoot new samples from Diliman, QC.

CameraFujifilm Finepix HS25EXR
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio

Plants: Colocasia esculenta, taro, gabi

Taro is commonly called gabi in the Philippines and is an important food source in the sinigang and porridge dishes . Taro or gabi can grow to large sizes if allowed. Here is a photo, taken at Bocal-Bocal Springs, Alangilan, Bacolod City:

More photos will be added!

Here are more modestly sized gabis.

PlantColocasia esculenta
Common namegabi, taro
CameraOlympus VG-110 (first photo), HS25EXR (second set)
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio

  • First version, July 21, 2012

Plants: Agave Americana, agave, maguey, century plant

This is a big plant! As can be seen in one of the photos of the album. Click on the link shown in the table to view each individual photo.

The agave is held high the life of the US Southwestern Indians, in a similar way the coconut is treated in the Philippines. It is a source of food, drink, medicine, fibers, and even soap! for the native tribes of USA. It was given the name century plant since it takes many years for the agave to flower!

PlantAgave Americana
Common namesAmerican aloe, agave, maguey, century plant
CameraOlympus VG-110
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio
AlbumFacebook(EP Adorio)