
Friday, July 27, 2012

Dracaena Surculusa, dracaena surculosa, gold dust dracaena, spotted dracaena

I often see this plant but never got to know the name. It is easy to think that the plant is "sick" or "diseased" because of the spots. But those spots differentiate suculosa from other dracaenas, the stems even look like those of bamboos!

The plant is not supposed to be placed in bright places but in shady places.

Here is a photo of the spotted dracaena which look ghostly due to the shade.

PlantDracaena Surculosa
Commmon Namesgold dust dracaena, spotted dracaena, kurokawayan
Location Philcoa, Bliss
CameraNikon D5100
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio
AcknowledgmentsDinah Canada with Susan Estrope Dicker (description),Al Claud(local name)

Have to add more photos!

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