
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Plants: Calliandra surinamense|haematocephala, powder puff tree

I first saw the flowering shrub at Clarkfield but Facebook probably erased the old photos! So this moring I took photos of calliandras at QC Memorial Circle and was fortunate to find a white one! Here are the red-white ones.

And here is a pure white one!

The most common (my observation) are the pure red ones.

There is a smaller variety of calliandra I have seen. It has the botanical name "Calliandra emarginata".

Plantcalliandra surinamense and Calliandra haematocephala
Common Namepowderpuff tree
LocationQC Memorial Cirle
CameraSamsung WB
DateDecember 15, 2012
PhotographerDr. Ernesto P. Adorio
AlbumFacebook 1(EP Adorio),
Facebook 2(EP Adorio


Ded. 15, 2012: I see that the original album still exists! facebook probably change the links.

May 28, 2013: I suspect now that the first photo of a calliandra surrinamense.

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