
Unidentified plants and flowers

  1. A bulb plant with long stamens
  2. Suspect a eucrosia bicolor. Here is a link. Pacific Bulb Society Status: As of August 21, 2012: indentified as ecrosia bicolor.
  3. A variegated green white plant with ovate leaves
  4. This image was posted by my friend Al Claud in one of his albums. Used with his permission. Status: As of August 21, 2012: unindentified.
  5. Crocheted lacy flowers
  6. This plant is tentatively identified, as of February 13, 2013, as alternanthera CV by Dr. Romana Reyes. The photo was provided by Susan Estrope Dicker of Australia and linked with permission.
  7. A morning glory?
  8. This was taken in Bacolod by Susan Estrope Dicker. Looks like a thunbergia erecta. December 27, 2012.
  9. Yellow bells
  10. This was taken in Bacolod by SED (Susan Estrope Dicker). Will look again for the scientific name!
    Identified by Reuben as Allamanda Catharticus.
  11. Pink bells
  12. This photo was taken by Dr. Lorna Almocera.
  13. Pink bunch
  14. This flower has long remained unidentified as of February 24, 2013. Photo by Susan Estrope Dicker.
  15. Brownish-red flowers
  16. Identified as copperleaf or Jacob's coat, Acalypha wilkesiana, by Dr. Romana de los Reyes.
  17. Unnamed violet flowers in UP Clarkfield.
  18. A plume flower
  19. Not a firecracker plant, but is this? Itis really a firecracker plant! Crossandra indibulaformis
  20. A lavender flower
  21. a relative of bleeding heart vine? photo: DSCF5212 April-20-2113,added april 23, 2013

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