
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Flowers: Spathodea or flame tree

I dont know if facebook disallows linking to my OWN photos hosted in their servers, but I will keep trying.

This is a showy flowering tree and the sight of clumps of trees in full bloom is a sight to behold. It is sometimes called a flame tree.

Here is one of my latest photo of spathodea.

I will be looking again sometime for my old photos hosted in Facebook!!

Flower Spathodea spathodea campanulata, African Lily Tree, Flame Tree
Photographer Dr. Ernesto Adorio
Camera Fujifilm HS25EXR
Acknowledgments Susan Etrope Dicker, Prof. Hermie Siroy, Dr. Augusto Hermosilla
Album Facebook

Location Clarkfield, Pampanga

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